How to get your diploma recognized in Germany!
If you have completed your studies at a Brazilian university and would like to work in Germany, it is very important to know whether your diploma is recognized and how it is recognized.
The first step is to check whether the university you studied at is a recognized university and whether your courses correspond to the respective German courses.
● Anabin https://anabin.kmk.org/anabin.html
● Country information | uni-assist eV https://www.uni-assist.de/tools/laenderhinweise/
If you have to go through the recognition process, in a second step you can call up specific information for each profession on the “Recognition in Germany” website in order to adapt the study subjects. There you will find information about the recognition of your diploma, the requirements for it and the recommendation of the professional advice center near your place of residence.
Another way to get information about the recognition of the diploma is to visit the website of the professional chamber. Use the following keywords for your search:
Name of your profession + the word “kammer” + state where you would like to carry out the recognition process
For example:
Architektenkammer Berlin
Ärztekammer Niedersachsen
Rechtsanwaltskammer Bayern
Most of the time, the websites also provide information in English.
It is always important to seek advice from the competent authority in the region where the recognition process is to be carried out. There may be some administrative differences between locations.
Another option is to make an appointment with one of these two offices in your region:
Welcome Center https://welcome-center-der-region.de
IQ Network https://www.iq-netzwerk-nrw.de/angebote/anerknungberatung/
Other websites that offer information on this topic:
Employment Agency (information in German and English) https://www.arbeitsagentur.de/en/recognition-of-qualifications
Culture Ministry of each federal state (here the link for Lower Saxony)
BAMF - Federal Office for Migration and Refugees
You can also reach BAMF on this hotline: +49 30 1815 1111
On the “Make it in Germany” website you will also find information on work permits and coveted professions in Germany.
Social media
You can also get great help on social media. Look for groups of specialists in your field living in Germany. There are many there who have already gone through the recognition process and can give you valuable tips.